Monday, January 9, 2017

Things I Wish I Knew Before Going to College

To all of my classmates and professors,

As a current student at Western Michigan University who has two unique majors: Dance and Computer Science, there are some things that I should have known before starting my college career. Granted, I cannot illustrate every lesson learned the past year and a half, but I can give some simple pointers for those who need inspiration, motivation, and determination to pass each class, one semester at a time.

Nobody is perfect. I personally have failed a few classes and messed up in more ways than one. Going to college is not easy for everyone. It's a constant challenge to get passing grades and still have just enough free time to sleep, study, and party (occasionally).

The first step to "living the dream" is to realize that you are there for a reason!

It was at the end of my freshman year when I understood that people actually supported me.
At first, the professors in my technique classes said that I had a slim chance of making it through 4 years of college. The professors in my computer science classes saw me stroll into class 5 minutes late almost every day. Since then I've changed my habits. Why? Because I was meant to be in those classes. I was meant to push myself and make them say the opposite. The fact of the matter is, I auditioned and was accepted into the Dance program. They believed in me from the start! I was just too hesitant to believe in myself. Know that you were accepted into college and that it was never a "shot in the dark". Whatever it is you are passionate about, fight for it! And know that the professors are only making you stronger.

The second step is to know yourself and stay true to your limits! Avoid peer pressure!

A wise teacher in high school once said, "Life is not a puzzle to be solved, it is a mystery to be lived". In college, every student is unique in his/her own way. Being away from my parents, living on a campus I didn't fully understand, it was difficult. I learned that I was not getting good grades because I was not taking care of myself. I didn't get enough sleep. I didn't spend enough time on homework. I wanted to talk to friends more than I wanted to study. The key is to know yourself. Know the difference between doing what you need to do to pass and doing what you want to do with people who drink alcohol and play video games all the time. It's your life. There is only so much time in each day, use it wisely for the better, for what really matters. I am not saying don't have fun while you're in college. Just know your limits!
"Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some" - Robert Fulghum

The third and final step (in this blog) is to seize the moment!

Going to college might be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Life is short. Many people have never gone to college. There are some people who are not blessed with good education, a place to live, a family to love, or friends to laugh with. At the end of the day, studying at a college is beautiful. It's exciting! Don't get too stressed out and just enjoy every new experience!

Check out the below links for some of my previous dance experiences!
Note: Some of the dances were performed prior to college.

1 comment:

  1. Love the New York State of Mind performance! Very cool :)

    Nice job with this intro page. Your tone is perfect for the blog genre: conversational and friendly :)
